
Tony Stark was all over the news after finally admitting that he was ironman. Really the little show off couldn't help but crave the attention. But the months after that slowly went downhill for the man. Tons of drinking and show boating where shitting all over the stark name i was helping to fix I finally decided it was time to pay him a visit so I called up pepper to take me to his house for some surprise chats.

We waltzed right on in to his home.

"Ah pepper right on.... what's the thief boy doing here? You didn't let him in right?" He says as right on que he was smacked with a petrification spell locking his limbs and everything in place shocking pepper.

"What are you doing?!" She screams reaching for her pepper spray but I body lock her aswell and put her in a chair.

Walking over the fallen man I start waving my wand over him. Before pulling off a watch. His body drastically changes to nice and sun kissed to white and pale with dark nasty looking veins all over him.

"Really Tony your going to die from poison so you kill off your already failing liver and kidneys with booze. What kind of idiot invents a fake heart that poisons themself." I say clearing off a work bench and tossing his body on it unceremoniously.

"As a kind of repayment for me stealing your lovely tech I'm going to be curing you today then leaving you at the mercy of Miss Potts. I'll also be stealing one of your Ironman suits for display purposes and don't worry I know how to disable the security features you've installed." I say happily as he tries to complain through a locked jaw. "I don't need your thanks it's something a Good Samaritan like myself ought to do."

I pop out some Iv bags and slip the needle into his arm before unlocking his other arm and slicing open the wrist over a bucket. Some nasty green blood starts to drain out slowly.

"These are blood replenishing potions basically I'm washing out your nasty toxic blood and replacing it with nice clean blood sorry no pain killers I seem to have forgotten them." I say waving my wand over his chest.

"I love the retro shrapnel shards near your heart man however I'll have to get rid of those." I quickly vanish the little chunks of death.

"You really should take better care of yourself man. How am I supposed to steal your stuff and make you look like a dumb older version of me if you just go off and die from poisoning. Tsk tsk." I whistle a happy tune as I feed him different potions and Phoenix tears to help with the poisoning from his chest piece and his damaged organs. All the while making sure to vanish the contents of the bucket of slowly cleaner blood.

"Years of partying and banging news reporters haven't been kind to you my friend did you know that almost all of your organs have shut down and you have a sexually transmitted disease. Don't worry I'll fix you up in a jiffy then you can run off and catch droopy dick somewhere else." I say with a laugh.

Searching through my inventory I find a new core piece that won't poison him. Before buying it then I rip the old one out of his chest cleaning up the nasty gunk and puss before replacing it with the new one.

"Jarvis would you like to do a scan on tony and tell him how his body is looking I'm sure he would appreciate your input more than mine by the way he is glaring." I ask the AI which starts to go into detail about his now miraculous healing.

I walk over towards the cases with all sorts of different Ironman suits inside it and snag myself a nice classic one and a nice blue and silver one.

"I'll be taking two suits one for show and one to play with tony. I know you really don't mind just thought I'd let you know. Doctors bills really are expensive these days you know?" I say walking back over and checking to make sure he was fully healed.

Then using my wand I turn his head to face the row of fancy cars.

"Tony we need to have a little chat while we have the time. You see I've been helping out Miss Potts with the stark enterprises popularity and helping it grow." I walk over the the million dollar Ferrari before raising my fist and smashing the vehicle into the ground with a boom totaling it.

"You see I'm quite displeased that I worked so hard with miss Potts to get good publicity and get the stark name back where it belongs only to have you drink it right off a cliff again. Is this the newest Bugatti? I heard there was only three of them made." I pull back my foot before kicking the fancy car straight into the concrete wall behind it smashing it to pieces.

"You see tony what I'm trying to say is that if you don't pull your head out of your ass and straighten up. Ooooh a nice hot rod. I think this would look lovely in your living room don't you agree?" With another kick it shoots up through the ceiling lodging itself in the living room floor.

"Where was I? Oh yes pulling your head out of your ass. Do some work and make some shit that isn't Ironman suits, fix up the company or I'll be making many more visits and finding way to relieve my stress on your lovely belongings." I say with a smile before smashing the remaining cars.

"Now I think it's about time for me to head back to work, the problem with your body is fixed you'll become Unpetrified In ohhhh 20 minutes. Miss Potts however will be good to go in around 5 and she doesn't seem to pleased to know you've been lying and hiding things from her by the deadly glare she is giving your back I wonder if that will be better or worse in the time I'm leaving her to stew. Miss Potts it was lovely to see you again." I say before popping off and leaving the man sweating furiously.