
As Loki was lamenting his fate lighting and thunder started to sound outside the jet.

"Looks like brother is here I wonder how he will take the news of your marriage." Loki says with a chuckle.

There's a thud as Thor lands on top of the jet. Natasha presses a few buttons and opens up the back loading doors as stark and Rogers are curious about this whole thing.

Soon standing on the back of the jet was the god of thunder himself Thor looking at his brother and then Hela. Well that was before my foot connected with his chest kicking him out of the loading doors.

As he is whipped out of the jet my voice follows him. "Sorry sorry I really couldn't resist! You were just standing there with open doors behind you. You can't expect me not to kick you."

Loki just looks at Hela. "I like him already."

"Me too." She says.

"Hela would you be a dear and retrieve Thor I really just wanted to Sparta kick someone out of a jet he just happened to be the first chance I got." I say with a laugh. She disappears in a black and green miasma to fetch the man while I turn to Loki.

"So are you going to tell me where the tessaract is or do I have to go and find it myself. Fair warning if I do have to find it myself your going to get a very nasty beating." I point out the obvious.

"Uh just how nasty of a beating?" He says with a grimace.

"Do you really wanna know?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"No I suppose I don't. It's being taken to the new stark building in New York." He says with a shrug.

"Thanks I was wondering if you'd be honest. If you hadn't I'd have turned you into a woman and fed you an everlasting love potion with Thor's hair in it." I say as the man looks at me in horror.

"Your a monster! Things like that should be forbidden." He says scooting away from me.

"It would be a hilarious prank." I say before Apparating off to new York and whipping out my trusty compass. A few minutes of super speed for me later and I've got ahold of the tesseract which I pop into my inventory along with the mind staff. Clint and the scientist are free from mind control at this point in time. There's no massive alien army coming through a wormhole in the sky. And I've potentially got 2 infinity stones. It's been a good day. I pop back onto the jet where Thor is being given a run down on what's happened with Clint and the scientist in tow.

As I arrive he looks at me curiously.

"So you are my new brother? I must say that was a fine kick we need to have a proper spar sometime and drink to get to know each other." He says with a laugh.

"Sure I'll tell you what here's some fire whiskey and I've got a friend who could use a sparring partner when we get back to base. There's even a special room that won't get destroyed if you go all out." I say passing him a bottle of the amber liquid. As he drinks it I hit him with a small spell discretely.

He turns to Loki and says. "My Loki you've gotten much prettier since we last met." Loki looks at him and then me in horror before I start laughing and Thor regains his senses.

"What happened?" He asks me.

"Ah nothing just some brotherly bonding."

Hela chuckles before sitting on my lap.

"So how do you think father will respond to your marriage?" Thor asks us.

"Much better than your relationship with Jane." I say making him choke on the firewhiskey.

"Oh brother have you finally found love?" Loki says with a laugh.

"For some reason I feel like this is just a family trip." Stark says to Rogers who nods.

After the flight back things were discussed with fury and Thor managed to make it so Loki would be tried in Asgard.

"You will be joining us correct I'm sure father will wish to meet you." Thor says looking at me.

"Uuuhhh sure why not?" I shrug and walk up next to them with Hela.

There's a flash of rainbow light as we are sucked into the sky.

Next thing I know I'm standing on some rainbow bridge that has nothing to do with Mario Kart.

I'm looking at a massive man who is staring down at me.

"Jeez you guys are all so fucking tall." The smallest of the group is actually Loki who is only an inch taller than me the biggest is Hela at 7 feet.

"Welcome Ryan I have enjoyed watching your endeavors since you arrived here. King Odin is quite interested in your presence." Heimdall says.

"Well everyone has a hobby I suppose. Being a voyeur is just one of those things I guess." I say with a shrug before walking off with Thor, Loki and Hela toward the magnificent asgardian palace.

Really they have such a nice place here. The whole place seems Magical and beautiful I'm quite looking forward to my visit.

We make our way into a massive hall where people are feasting fighting and laughing. Quite the jolly people. I realize I'm severely out of place with my style of clothing and size. Compared to asgardians I'm tiny man. Plus I'm in jeans and a tshirt while they have sweet armors and robes and cool weapons.

I'll have to find me a place to get some sweet gear.

"Father I have returned with Loki." Thor shouts to the older man on the throne at the front wearing an eye patch. Odin king of Asgard. Beside him is his wife Frigg.

"I see you've brought your new brother and your sister." Odin says looking me over before looking at Hela.

"You've picked quite a husband. Shame I wasn't there to see the wedding however we shall have a celebration and ceremony here!" Odin says with a roar and everyone starts shouting happily.