
I was currently sunbathing on the deck of the ship with Death sitting on my back giving me a massage. Nojiko and Bellmere were shocked by her appearance and even more shocked when I told them who she actually was.

She was quite happy to give me a nice back rub while we sailed off to loguetown. This was the nearest place with a marine base that had enough money to cash in my bounties. Bellmere being an Ex-captain new quite a bit about some of the bases.

I also wanted to go here because this is where the legendary pirate Gol D. Rodger was killed off starting the whole pirate era. Good stuff.

"Are you sure we will be fine just waltzing into a marine base?" Nojiko asks me from the wheel.

"Yep perfectly fine." I say enjoying the feel of Deaths plump butt on me as she happily worked on my shoulders with her cool fingers.

"There's not a soul in this world who could harm my husband so relax little girl." Death says from behind me.

"Err yes Lady Death." She replies going back to steering. Death often gave out an ominous feel that made most people uncomfortable.

It didn't take long before the island came into sight. My ship was quite fast and cut through the water nice and easy.

Being the man that I am we pulled right up to the island and anchored on the dock. People were shocked I had the balls to just park a pirate ship right there on a marine stationed island.

Death gave me a kiss goodbye as she headed balk to my mind realm to eat snacks and watch cartoons. She really was spoiled and like to lay around and have Hela wait on her.

We headed off the ship with my sack of heads. Bellmere and Nojiko were going to stock up on more supplies while we were here and had money. The village didn't have much since most of it was sold off and bellmere wanted to buy new clothes. She had always been poor even when a marine so she wanted some nice stuff. Not even minding we were paying for it with Nami's money.

"This will teach her that stealing is bad." She said when I asked her about it.

Fair enough.

We wandered around buying food and other items for the kitchen along with new clothes. The only proper piece of clothing she had was her marine coat which was still in good shape. The rest of it was her daughters borrowed clothes.

The marine base was indeed notified about our arrival and were coming to apprehend us with the help of a captain.

After getting all our supplies we made our way to the execution ground which wasn't all that impressive. I wonder what would happen if I just revived Rodgers for fun. Oh the chaos. But we can do that later.

Making our way back to the area our boat was in we were finally confronted by the marine who had us surrounded pointing guns at us. Standing at the front was a white haired man smoking two cigars and had more cigars wrapped around his chest and shoulder like some kind of bandolier. He was also holding a big staff which I believe had a sea stone tip for whooping on devil fruit users. The person beside him was a woman with red rimmed glasses and black hair. She had a strange Hawaiian style shirt on and a large katana strapped to her waist. This would be Captain Smoker and Tashigi.

"Just the people i was hoping to see." I say with a smile.

"You are all under arrest." Smoker said ignoring me.

"Mmm no I think not however you have three seconds to lower your weapons before people start dying." I say raising three fingers.

"Are you threatening a marine captain?" The smoking man says?


"I don't think you'll dare kill any of my men." The man says raising his staff.

"Captain I advise you to listen to him or all of your men are going to die." Bellmere kindly advises the man.


Smoker looks at her and notices the marine coat.

"Who are you and why are you with a pirate group." He asks seriously.

"She is Bellmere and she is supposed to be dead." Tashigi answers looking at the woman.

"I'm warning you make your men put down their weapons." Bellmere says more urgently.


The marines around start collapsing one by one slowly making the mans eyes widen. "Quick lower your weapons!"

They are doing it long before he says to.

"See it wasn't that hard. I just find it rude to be aiming guns at people while they are trying to have a civil conversation." I say with a smile.

"What did you do?" He shouts at me checking the dead men.

"I tore out their souls." I say raising my hand and a few of the men's ghosts float nearby. "I'll tell you what if you go along with what I need I could be kind enough to revive them."

"What is it you want?" Tashigi asks looking at the men's souls.

I float the bag of head in front of them along with the documents I had taken on some corrupt officials.

"I just want to get paid for my bounties and information." The bag opens dropping the head of the pirates I had killed with Bellmere.

"That's arlongs group." She says looking at the dead fishmen.

"Correct so are you going to pay me or am I going to kill you all off and fetch my money myself." I ask with a smile. My conversation is interrupted by smoker who rushes at me swinging his staff.

I grab the sea stone staff with my hand and crush it into powder. Before pulling out my gun and blowing a hole in his leg making him scream in pain.

"The price has just tripled and I won't be reviving those men." I say holding the gun against his head and smiling at Tashigi.