Wasted on an idiot.

"Captain are you sure we are going in the right direction?" Nojiko asks in worry.

"Yeah I'm sure why what's up?"

"We are heading into the calm belt. We shouldn't be here there are tons of sea kings that live here." She says checking the maps.

"Nah it's fine no animal will come anywhere near this ship. Animals can sense death much better than most humans and will keep far far away from it." I say going back to sunbathing as Tashigi fans me. I was starting to get a bit of a tan after a few days it was nice.

Sure enough we easily passed into the calm belt. Animals usually have an instinct for danger and nothing screams danger more than death.

After a few hours of sailing we finally hit the mark I was looking for. An island smack dab in the middle of the calm belt.

"You guys wait here for a moment." With a flash of speed I'm gone. Walking across water is so cool at extreme speeds. Everything just ripples out ever so slowly when you run on it.

I breeze past all the females on the island heading into the biggest building. Sitting on a throne looking over people is the one and only Boa Hancock. She is indeed quite beautiful thanks to her fruit powers.

I stop in the middle of the room and it takes them a second to notice me before they all jump up in panic.

"A man? How did you get here?" One of the guards shout.

"By boat and then running across the water." I say easily.

"Who are you?" Another asks.

"Seems my bounty isn't out yet shame." I say with a shrug.

After that I go back into super speed mode. Quickly slipping behind Boa I slip her dress straps down over her shoulders and get a big view of the massive slave tattoo on her back. You see when someone is sold into slavery to the celestial dragons they tattoo them like this as property. One of the greatest shames of her life was having this tattoo on her back along with her sisters. It's the biggest secret they have and anyone who accidentally sees it they petrify with her powers.

I run my hand over it getting rid of the ink and healing everything up perfectly before doing the same thing to the snake sisters of hers.

Empress of the Amazon Lily island Boa Hancock is now free of her tattoo. I magic up some mirrors and set them where she would get a nice view of her back before time returns to normal as I slow down.

"I figure as a gift from your loving husband i would fix that blemish on your back and make you truly perfect anyway I've got to go and do some stuff so see ya later." I hit her with a surprise kiss slipping her some tongue before zipping off back to the ship.

The entire throne room is just gobsmacked as she's standing there naked and stunned looking at her back in the mirror. You think I'm going to let that idiot Luffy have Boa? Nah fam that's a complete and total waste.

Arriving back on the boat we head off in search of my next area. I had a goal in mind the boat speeds off continuing along our path.

Meanwhile back at Amazon Lily the whole nation is in an uproar and trying to find out where I went and who I am. They only see my ghost ship quickly leaving the area and there is no chance for them to catch up.

"Find him! I want to know who he is. Where he is from. How he got here. Everything!" Boa shouts from the throne room tossing the guards out and looking at the mirrors to make sure everything was real.

"So where are we headed now captain?"

"Whatever my bounty currently is, is probably chump numbers and we can't have that. So we are going to pump those numbers up." I shout happily as they all look at me funny.

This trip took quite a bit longer to travel. During that time my bounty had spread out among the people.

"Woah look it's Ryan he has a bounty." Shouts the straw hat boy on his new boat.

"Who is Ryan?" The long nosed archer usopp asks in confusion.

"Oh he's the other captain he was off getting himself some mates. He's going to be the harem king!" Luffy says as usopp gets a funny look.

"What's a harem?" He asks.

"I don't know I'm supposed to find out when I'm older." Luffy says while Zoro shrugs as he only knows about swordsmanship. Nami however has a strange look on her face.

"Woah his bounty is already at 600 million Beri!" Zoro shouts looking over the photos.

Everyone rushes over at that point and Nami finally gets to see the picture of her mother and sister next to mine with bounties a bit smaller. She's dazed seeing them both.

"What's wrong Nami?" Luffy asked the teary eyed girl.

"That's my mother and sister." She says pointing at the two people one of which was supposed to be dead.

"Wow looks like they joined his crew. I wonder why they are all women though? He did say he wanted all the women when we made our deal." He asks in confusion.

"That's because a harem is when...." she trails off with a look of shock on her face staring at the picture of her mother and sister. "He didn't?"

"No he did I remember him saying all the women. He also gets 50% of the meat and I get....." he was cut off by Nami who started shaking him by the shirt furiously.

"Where is he at Luffy! Tell me now or I swear I'll toss every bit of meat overboard!" She shouts.

"I don't know he said he was going to find crew mates and left me and Zoro with the dingy!" He says as she whirls on Zoro who shivers in fear but nods quickly.