Expensive fence.

"Ahhh do you smell that?" I ask taking a big breathe and stomping on the downed woman who was trying to get up. "It smells like gender equality."

She coughs out a mouthful of blood as her ribs crack. But the smile on her face never leaves.

"I really love the look on your face. It's so much better than when you were looking down on me for being a human. That's also racist did you know?" I pull my foot back and give a fantastic football kick the woman blocked with her sword and sheathe. It doesn't stop her from being blasted through the fence into the helicopter which promptly explodes.

"How rude you broke my fence again. That fence is made from priceless extinct wood. How could you destroy others property like this." I say in sadness.

The response I get is her mad laughter as she come running out of the exploded helicopter remains and charges me swinging her blade which I catch with two fingers.

"Come on if you want to be a proper home invader you got to have a little more power than that. Your also the leader of the disciplinary committee? Isn't that helicopter company property and you just destroyed it. Tsk tsk. They will dock your pay for sure." I grab her by the wrist quickly snapping it before smashing her into the ground over and over again.

"Why are you doing this to my yard? Just look at all the damage your causing how will I ever fix all these craters and I'm pretty sure my house is suffering from some kind of smoke damage from your companies helicopter. I'll sue you know?" I say with a happy smile as the bloody woman keeps laughing and throwing kicks or punches when she can.

"You'll never be able to financially recover from this." I say flipping her in the air and grabbing her by the throat.

She's bruised and battered and bloody but still smiling. I give her a warm neighborly smile.

"It's so boring being strong isn't it? Not having any fun opponents and just killing off people like trash. You just want a challenge don't ya? Some fun and excitement! In a world filled with the weak your at the top of the food chain besides miss stuffy over there." I point to the shocked purple haired woman.

I pull the woman closer. "Don't you want to have fun and break through those limits? Fight with demons and gods and beings you've never even dreamed of. In the house right now there is an immortal vampire and a legendary dragon that could easily ruin your day. I don't have any reason to lie to you either." I say with a smile as she looks at me seriously.

"Why?" She asks.

"I know what it's like to be bored. Did you know if I wanted to I could destroy this entire planet with physical strength alone if my little wife hadn't taken it for upgrade which are much nastier." I say wiping some blood off her face.

"I want to have fun." She says before leaning in and capturing my lips and slipping me some tongue which tastes a bit like blood. Her previous ashikabi is tore from the bound as it wasn't even a strong bond just one of necessities he's actually gay. Black wings sprout from her back as she moans out happily from the bond.

After the winging which makes the people at the headquarters panic even more since I had just rewinged an already winged Sekirei which is impossible.

I just toss her towards the house and she is caught by Yue. "Perfect I'll take you as payment for my fence and I won't even sue MBI. I'll have to put up a few no trespassing signs though." I wave my hand and the yard and fence are repaired and the dead bodies of the flight crew for the helicopter and the helicopter itself disappear.

If I remember correctly she was number 04. Which is great. I like having collections. I ponder for a second before apparating off to find another collectible. I reappear in front of a busty blonde and quickly steal her lips while she is shocked. I grab her and teleport back before teleporting off again this time next door before kissing the shocked nerdy woman and winging her also. This is what she gets for peeping on me. I quickly flee the scene of the crime back home before magicking up some no trespassing signs then teleporting off once more to grab another for the collection.

Really a fun game where I get to collect women? This is right up my alley. Appearing in from of a black haired beauty in the sky I kiss her aswell before dropping to the ground with a laugh and speeding off.

I had just Winged No.2 Matsu No.3 Kazehane and No.9 Tsukiumi. Number 5 was a guy and number 6 was a guy and number 1 was the land lady next door. If you think I'm kissing a guy you can just fuck right off.

MBI headquarters were going wild. In under a minute I had stolen the leader of the disciplinary squad and winged 3 other single digit numbers after using my own power to beat the absolute shit out of their strongest weapon.

Was I done? Of course I wasn't done who do you think I am? I teleported off after getting some memories from karasuba and dropped right into the MBI headquarters. Right into the disciplinary squads room I found the next target I was looking for and snagged her right off the couch pizza in her mouth and everything before teleporting back and giving her a nice smooch winging her aswell.

No.104 haihane. Also a member of the disciplinary squad, now mine. Also enjoys pepperoni pizza.

I teleported once more to a massive room and sitting at the desk in front of me was a man with white hair. Looking over computers. The president of MBI. He looked up at me in shock when I appeared.

"Don't fucking touch my stuff. I also don't like it when people peek at me. So don't fucking be nosey. Also you can't use the shut down switch on any of my Sekirei as they have all been disabled. I also took the two members of your disciplinary squad as payment for my lawn and fence I don't like the third one you can keep her." I walk over next to his fancy desk with all his electronics on it and pull back my leg before punting that bitch right out the massive window. "It's also rude to hang up on people. Cunt." Then I dissapear.