Academy 2

After my parents left with some chatting to grandmaster we headed inside the academy so I could turn in my form at the office and get my room. I had brought along some clothes and bedding since I remembered they don't provide those here. I mean most kids had like either hay beds covered in cloth or something like that at the village. Here they would get simple wooden beds which were hard to sleep on but it's better than the floor.

Raphtalia was following behind me with her hand gripping my shirt looking around in wonder.

"Is this your summon?" Grandmaster asked kindly.

"Yes she is my second summon my first one is a little more eh violent and has some minor personality problems." I explain.

"Oh? Well try not to get into too many fights here. I know some of the children can be a little snotty since they come from rich families and where raised like that. But then again with who your father is I doubt you would have anything to worry about." He says.

Walking in to the office we were greeted by the secretary and some others who were hanging around chattering. I quickly turned in my papers and ignored the looks of curiosity from them about Raphtalia. Grandmaster has some business to attend and headed off to get set up. I was told where the working class children would be and headed off towards the room I would be staying in for the next few years. That was one of the rules of the academy all students must stay in the school dorms.

It is a pretty nice room. There's rows of beds along the walls and nice wooden floors. There's also windows letting in sunlight to make the room nice and bright. As soon as I opened the door a bunch of boys who were chatting turned to look at me. They ranged from like 6 years old to about 12 years old.

The biggest of them a bulky muscular child approached us. "I'm the big boss of this room and from now on you'll listen to me." He says firmly.

My foot swung out and kicked him right in the cookies making him drop like a rock.

"No I don't think so." I walk past the moaning kid and head to a nice corner.

I push my bed up against the wall a bit out of the sunlight. "Are you going to be staying here with me or sleeping in the realm?" I ask raphtalia.

"I'll stay with you." She says quietly.

"Alrighty then." I push up another bed against mine and start laying out the foam mattress cover I had gotten from Death. She would of course sneak me some things to make my life a little easier I mean a comfortable bed isn't going to break the rules and order of the world.

Soon the room goes quiet again as another person walks in. It was Xiao Wu the rabbit girl well hidden rabbit girl. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt and some long white pants. She had slightly tan skin and long brown hair that would probably drag across the floor if it wasn't in a Scorpion braid. She also had big curious eyes that looked around the room. I always wondered how a rabbit could get a permit to attend school. Didn't she like live in the forest?

She eyed the big boy laying on the ground groaning and all the kids looking at me in fear. She also spotted Raphtalia's fluffy tail wagging behind her and her ears twitching around.

Her curiosity got the better of her and she sped over.

"Hello! Why do you have a tail?" She quickly appeared in front of Raphtalia scaring her and she hid behind me again.

"She is a summon and a beast person so she had a raccoon tail and ears." I say throwing a blanket over the sheeted double bed.

"A summon?" The little girl asks curiously.

"Yes my spirit ability let's me summon people to fight for me." I explain.

"Ohhh was she the one who beat up that boy?" She asks pointing at the kid who finally crawled up off the ground.

"No that was me he tried saying he was some kind of big boss and I should listen to him. She doesn't know how to fight so I'll be teaching her." I reply.

"So you know how to fight?" She asks me eagerly.

"Yes I do."

"Then fight me...." she gets cut off as a big carrot I had grown in my garden appears. I see her start to drool as she eyes the orange delicious carrot.

"You can have this big juicy carrot if you forget all about fighting me and call me big brother." I say waving the carrot tauntingly.

"Yes big brother." I toss it high into the air and she jumps to catch it. There is rapid crunches noises as the carrot vanished quickly into the maw of the little rabbit girl.

As she finished a teacher came in and looked around. Before addressing us.

"Since there are new students I have come to tell you about the school rules. You must attend all your classes on time in the morning and you can be assigned chores for money to buy lunch since your all here on the workers program. You can also register at the spirit hall for a stipend if you have reached rank 10 to receive a gold coin a month." She explains to the children.

"Food here costs money?" Xiao Wu asks curiously as she had been living in the forest where she could just scavenge for food.

"Don't worry I'll pay for your food." I say sitting on the bed.

The teacher continues her talk. "The evenings are for independent study or meditation and also counts as free time what you do is up to you just don't go getting into trouble." She says firmly.