
quick update for everyone just to let you guys know I haven't died. apparently my uncle somehow screwed my sister over for 400 dollars or something. then she decided to get a stick up her ass and take it out on everyone else. I was on my sisters phone plan and was helping pay but she decided to kick everyone off her phone plan after she disconnected the phones. a cunt move. as some of you may also know I just moved into a new house and since I had a phone with WiFi I didn't see the need to have my Internet hooked up since I really only use my phone and mess around on here. more bad news was she did it when I had like zero funds as I had just paid for new roofing to be put on the house and a new waterheater to be installed. so I can't exactly get a new contract at the moment and it's going to be a while before I can get Internet installed. my bad.

but I'll keep writing while i don't have Internet so you guys can expect a nice huge drop of chapters when I do come back this also let's me read some of the novels I have downloaded. so take it easy guys.