Chapter 77 Sleepy Green

Kat for her part did not hold any complex meetings or overly analyse her new teammates. Instead she found the rather nice bed provided in the centre of the room and fell asleep. Morning came and Kat easily got herself out of bed. Refreshing the summon of her kimono she walked to the door and opened it to find the hallway empty before carefully closing it once again.

Looking out of the window she only just now realised she had been provided it seemed like it was still very early in the morning, though the lack of a clock made it hard to tell for sure just how much time had passed at the very least Kat could see the sun peaking over the horizon.

I guess I can just look around my room or something? I'm supposed to wait for a butler or whatever right? That's how these things are supposed to work I think. And so taking her own advice Kat began to inspect the room.