Chapter 136 Aura Options

Kat let out a deep breath and looked away from her flame. Letting her eyes drift and her mind wander. Her first inclination when trying to think of her flame as not a flame, was to instead to picture what her demonic flame looked like, that fiery version of herself.

Though Kat also really quickly realised that was just shifting the problem. That was still giving it too much form. She needed to think of it like a free bubble of energy. Kat's tail flicked in annoyance, and though she didn't notice Grace and Skye pulled back trying to avoid the trailing embers from her tail.

*Is it so hard to just not think about it being fire?* Though Kat also felt it was similar to telling someone not to think about oranges. It would never work, and only make it harder to focus on things other than the orange.