Chapter 139 ‘Intense Battle’

Kat kept her stomping routine up for around a minute, trying to make her steps as large as possible with her rather awkward running motion. She wanted the worm on her trail, but not right underneath her. Of course with the overwhelming amount of sand blocking her vision meant it was really hard to estimate any sort of distance.

After that minute had passed however Kat used her feet to dash forward rather than stomping down. It still threw up a large amount of sand, but it was concentrated behind her, and she was able to spin around during her short hop to try and see if the worm was indeed still following her.

This question was answered extremely clearly when a gaping maw burst through the curtain of sand with a roar that sounded like falling boulders on the hillside. Kat saw it was attacking more so the spot she just was and was able to dive towards the side. However as soon as she started the dive, she watched its head turn to face her instead.