Chapter 157 A Short Breather

"Well, shouldn't we first discuss why you think your team will let us passed? Kress did just participate in an attack against us" said Grace

Kat shrugged lightly "He seems to have some problem with me specifically. The rest of us all agreed to just run away if we could, but we were under no circumstances to team up with each other"

"Huh." Said Grace "Why would you decide that? Surely your own team would be the most trustworthy"

Kat nodded "Well, perhaps with the exception of me and Kress yeah. But we decided the scariest thing would be to team up and then have everyone else team up against us. We weren't sure where we'd get spawned in"

"Spawned in? I don't think that translated" said Grace

"Uh, dropped, teleported" said Kat and Grace nodded

"Well, I can see that being a reasonable fear. Even you struggled fighting off a full team of people, I doubt you'd have managed against fifteen others" said Grace