Chapter 162 On the Other Hand

Kat grinned wide showing teeth, as Ryo scrambled backwards "I'm very very sorry"

Kat just laughed in response and lit up a little bit of fire on the end of her finger. Purple flames leapt into existence and gave the immediate area around Kat a strange glow in the white light of the room.

Ryo tilted her head in confusion before bringing her hands together and staring intently at them. Nothing happened. "Wait why can you still do magic?" asked Ryo

Kat glanced at Grace the with a silent question. Grace shrugged. "As a demon I don't use mana, I use something else, so this doesn't actually affect me"

Ryo slumped down as the tension drained out of her. "Oh, thank the forests. I thought you were going to kill me for that"

Kat and Grace burst into laughing at this, and Estelle let slip a small chuckle "Well, I doubt that. Kat's a rather hesitant fighter despite taking out pretty much all of Boring herself"