Chapter 214 a Minor misstep

Kat could only watch with mounting horror as the memory continued rolling. She tried to move her arms, legs, even her wings or tail would be enou… *Did my tail just move a bit?*

"I did need that. I'm sorry Kat, that was very unqueenly behaviour from me. The possibility, the fear of those options was a bit too much. So, I suppose I should explain. The first option is that your presence somehow messes with the enchantment.

"It can't figure out if you're a friend or foe and so it's trying to lead us in a roundabout way so that I can lose you somehow. Honestly, I doubt that's the case, but it's the one I most want to believe. Secondly, the enchantments could be breaking, they have come somewhat unravelled and don't work correctly anymore leading us astray to be lost forever in these tunnels.