Chapter 221 a Minor breakdown

"No… no I don't think so" said Minor

"What?" said Kat without thinking. *I just… I guess I expected Minor to just accept the help from my calming aura… but she said no…? What am I supposed to do now.* 

Kat sat there, letting the rain fall down on her and bounce off, it was a strange sensation she hadn't really experienced. The water didn't hurt obviously, but it didn't really stick, or soak into her clothing or hair like it should.

*I guess I shouldn't use my power then… but I'm not sure how ok I am with that. And isn't that sort of a problem? I recognised and so did Lily and Vivian that this is a powerful ability, and that calming people unnaturally is something I probably shouldn't do…* 

*But at the same time, nobody has ever just refused it. Then again, I guess there was no reason to choose not to take me up on my offer before. In the past it was fear or agitation, sadness, but not self-loathing.*