Chapter 271 Distracting Questions

With the realisation that Xiang was not only an idiot who thought minor genocide was a good idea, but that he didn't even know where he was going or what towns might or might not be on the way, Kat decided to stop engaging him in conversation. It was just easier and less taxing on her mind to realise how woefully unprepared Xiang was. Kat also had to bite back her curses towards the system. She appreciated what it had done, enough to not believe she was specifically targeted for this pain, but she certainly wasn't enjoying herself.

She considered sending some messages off to everyone back on Earth, but she didn't have a lot to say. She could rant about Xiang perhaps, but it felt wrong to just send complaints back to them. During her walk she did get a message from Sylvie and Lily, but all it said was they understood that the message function was too slow to hold conversations, alongside the more general well wishes.