Chapter 301 This is Where the OP Would Play

The inner compound had been destroyed. Huge chunks of the buildings had been cut and sliced into, clearly by Xiang's sword, as when he swung it flashes of golden light would follow behind. There were broken and battered disciples littering the courtyard, completed collapsed and strewn around without a care in the world.

Kat was somewhat glad the pain had dulled her hearing so that she couldn't make out the breathing of the disciples over the clashing of swords Xiang and Hu were engaging in, she didn't want that knowledge of who still lived.

Hu and Hong were more than a little battered. They stood bleeding from a huge number of cuts all over their body that made Kat think they had to be more blood then skin at this point. It was almost certainly more blood than a human could lose and keep fighting, but Kat just guessed that they had blood replenishing pills. It made more sense than many alternatives.