Chapter 311 Dodging the Question

Kat learnt two things when she finally left the bed at Sylvie's urging. The first, was that they had a bathtub in the house. The second was that Kat did not feel comfortable using, or sharing said bath.

She had known it was a bad idea when Sylvie asked her. Kat, even with her improved memory, couldn't remember a time when she had showered with anyone, and the orphanage didn't exactly have a bath. When she tried to decline Sylvie's offer though, the girl had just pouted at her, and the rest was history. Kat had just sighed, and agreed after finding her phone to send a message off to Lily.

This led Kat to then spend ten uncomfortable minutes trying to wash herself in a bathtub clearly not designed for people with wings while trying to convince Sylvie to actually wash herself instead of just messing around. It was disturbing, because Kat couldn't remember the last time Sylvie had acted so childish and was wondering what the strange change in behaviour was about.