Chapter 315 I Would Rather Die

Kat bit her lip. "Honestly, Callisto, I think I'd hate that. Vivian simply telling me it's alright. I think I'd worry forever that she thought worse of me for it but would never say"

Callisto gave a soft laugh, which she swiftly covered with a gloved hand. "You clearly haven't known Vivian as long as I have. I believe I told you about our shared history yes? The woodworking incident and the… other one. You should know Vivian is not afraid at all to simply speak her mind. She would not tell a true friend something she did not believe… she might be a bit soft on them, but at least she would not lie"

Kat shrugged. "I mean… it's one thing to 'know' it, and another to KNOW it, you know?"

Callisto sighed "Your horrible method of phrasing the options aside, I do at least understand the spirit of what you have said and agree with it. Still, knowing that I do not condemn you for your actions, and knowing Vivian likely will not, what part still gives you concern?"