Chapter 321 Lily’s Desk Part 1

As Kat was led through the facility, she was surprised at the sheer variety of woodwork on display. There seemed to be nothing that Chekov couldn't make out of wood, and even what he did choose to make had variation within the category.

For example, the first clock that she saw near the entrance was a more standard grandfather clock with rounded bezzles and a smooth appearance. It was only when she looked closer did she notice that there were many hidden details faintly carved into the clock. Most of these seemed to be single sentence stories with a small picture to accompany them.

On the other side of the coin, the second clock she found was anything but ordinary. It was less a clock and more a wall. The main centrepiece was of course the massive hands and clock face, but it did not lack for further details across any part of it. Each number appeared to be an individualised person in some sort of pose, oftentimes with an object to help complete the shape.