Chapter 327 Winding Down

After that the gang headed home. The car right was exceptionally quiet, as Sylvie was curled up underneath Kat's left wing and wrapped in her tail sleeping peacefully. They considered stopping for lunch somewhere but nobody in the car was hungry enough to bring themselves to wake Sylvie up for it, so they just headed back home.

Once there, Kat carefully carried Sylvie onto the couch, before they ate the sandwiches Callisto left on the table. As Kat was biting into her second slice, she had a thought though… *How did Callisto know we'd need food? I don't think the plan ever came up and I'm not sure… no I'm certain I didn't see Vivian text Callisto while she was driving, and I certainly didn't. I don't think Lily did either… she looked like she had a short nap as well, but she was clearly awake when we got back… hmm…*