Chapter 329 The Calm before the Furos. 

In the end, the girls went through a few other variations of how to break the news to Lily's parents, but they settled on a rather basic one. Step 1, meet up and put together Sylvie's desk. Step 2, have Vivian show up with the desk in a trailer and be ready to start unloading it. Step 3, have Vivian talking to Lily's parents while Kat unloads the pieces. Step 4, don't react. Step 5, ??? Step 6, all hug and go home.

Now, obviously, it was recognised that step five was a massive hole in the plan, and Vivian kept trying to argue that it would go much smoother if she was wearing a fake moustache, but both of these issues were things the group was able to move past. Callisto commented that she could provide some assistance, if needed, and it was decided that she would sit in the driver's seat just in case she needed to be on scene quickly.