Chapter 347 Danger Noodle Combat!

Rock of course, not one to listen to reason, or a sound and politely worded argument, flung another fist at Kat. Kat first activated her enhanced cognition, and moved her gaze up to Seralina, an apology in her eyes. Then, in one blurred motion, Kat kicked Rock in the side and sent her flying.

Kat did take a moment, to consider if she should have waited and applied her shield to spread the damage evenly around Rock's body… and decided she'd been more than rude and it was fine to hurt her a bit at this point. Kat didn't use anything close to her full strength… just a bit of speed.

Rock was sent hurtling into the tent wall, slamming into it with a clang and falling to the ground face first with a groan. "Sorry I slammed your friend into a wall" said Kat still keeping eye contact with Seralina.

The Lamia just sighed. "I'm honestly not surprised. At all."

Kat nodded sagely. "Yeah, she seems like… a piece of work I guess is the right word."