Chapter 375 Arguing Stage

"It didn't go the best honestly" said Kamiko "At first, I just looked through the rooms I hadn't covered yet, then I went and rechecked all the rooms I had… still nothing, and it was getting late in the day. The sun was going down, and while my night vision is pretty good, it's no better than standard and I needed a break as well. I was… more than a little bit excited for my first contract so I sorta maybe didn't sleep the day before…

"Anyway, I was tired, it was late, I didn't know if my eyes would be good enough to look overnight so I asked around a bit and found that old man that helped me and asked if I could stay with him for the night. He told me instead, that the big hat dude had a place for me, which… honestly I ignored. Told him it was fine, and then he offered me his bed, and I claimed his couch.