Chapter 431 The Little Things

"So… with that out of the way…" said Kamiko, shifting in place somewhat uncomfortably. "What's with the room layout? Why'd you change it?"

"Actually can I jump in?" when Kat said that everyone's gaze snapped to Kat in a slightly unerring way. It was as if she'd kicked a dog or done something unthinkably cruel… but they just stared for a while and eventually Kat continued, assuming she must have had permission. "How did you change it as well?"

The strange glares broke, and Kat wasn't sure exactly why they had, but the triplets resumed their normal countenance and Kamiko smiled and nodded as if she'd confirmed something to herself. Merra was the one who spoke up, she still had the paper around it, but she seemed rather content. "So… I'm guessing with higher energy… wait Kamiko first. We did it because we could. It was easier for the gag for us all to be on the couch so we took the time to swap things over.