Chapter 468 Am I a Bad Daughter?

The pair stood and stared uncertainly at the box. Kat was pacing around in place as she thought while Kamiko was leaning against the wall and running her hands over her horns. "I think we're best leaving it" said Kat after two minutes of silence.

"Oh?" said Kamiko. There was no malice in the word just pure curiosity, and slight wonder, at how Kat had finally figured out the answer to the question.

"The way I see it, is that the chest isn't going anywhere. The rats couldn't get in before, and I doubt leaving it here will make them any more likely to succeed in the future. This isn't a dungeon, this is a mine owned by… well I don't know exactly who owns it but lets say Sloth. We aren't explorers right now but exterminators."

Kamiko's eyes widened and she slapped her face into her hand. "I can't believe I forgot that Kat I am so sorry…"

"Wait what?" said Kat confused, immediately stopping her pacing to turn to her friend.