Chapter 471 Now there’s Two of Them

The Following Chapter is from Kamiko's perspective. All Italics are her thoughts.

"I see… I mean, I sort of see what you're getting at, but I don't think you need to be so worried" is what Kamiko said, but internally, she was freaking out a little bit.

Kat just nodded and they got to work cleaning up the rats. Kat of course, was still stuck on the same topic she had been for the last few clears and that didn't look to be changing any time soon. Now Kamiko find herself in a similar position and she had no idea how to deal with it.

The biggest issue was her lacking experience when it came to advice. Her parents and siblings would NEVER come to her for that sort of thing. Her parents of course felt it was their job to provide advice to the family whenever it was needed, and would help their children when they could like any decent parents