Chapter 489 Overwhelmed and Rung Out

The outpouring of emotion was reaching everyone's limit after Nira's speech and everyone managed to collectively decide they'd all had enough for the day. Even Nira's multiple centuries of existing wasn't enough to stop it all from being a bit much. They stayed hugging each other for a while longer before Kat floated away from the group first.

She felt that this was a moment more for the three of them, then her, no matter how much they had insisted she'd been a big help for them all to reach this point. Kat let herself float, allowing the water to wash around her ears and quieten everything a step further.

The other three held onto each other for quite a while after Kat started floating. None of them really wanted to let go, they were all greatly enjoying the newfound closeness despite the emotional high they were trying to leave behind. Ultimately though, after an hour, it wasn't a conscious choice that stopped them from hugging, it was the return of Aslena's horns.