Chapter 502 The Tail End

The choice was taken away shortly after those thoughts passed through Kat's mind because the pressure forcing the ice forward started to abate. Reflexively, Kat started to reduce how much pressure was being applied, she realised this might be a problem until she noticed in the corner of her eye that Kamiko was doing the same thing. A few seconds was all it took for the forces to equalise and the ice dropped a few centimetres to the floor.

*Huh… didn't realise that was still off the ground… where we… where we wasting energy holding it up?* Kat didn't really want to dwell on that idea so she didn't. Looking around she saw that the gaps around the ice didn't really leave any room for them to squeeze past. "Ok Kamiko. What's the new plan? Carving it up or… something else?" asked Kat