Chapter 521 Fighting against Ka-Rat-E

=-Kat was trying to use her brief moment of… well it couldn't really be called a reprieve, but the small distance she'd managed to open up between her and the rest of the rats provided a little bit of time to think. It was rather unclear what to do.

*I can't even take a big hit for a decisive blow because if I'm held in place too long the rest of the rats would just join in. If they can't kill me they can at least hold me by like… wrapping their claws around my bones or something. Now, Chunk is probably out of the fight if I can give it time, but because everything is moving so fast, he's still a combatant unless I can finish him off. No. I can't just leave him. A combatant is a combatant no matter how injured. If Chunk isn't out of the fight.*