Chapter 576 Not so Arbitrary

"… So I'm off to get that cleared up today" said Kat

"Is the money important at all?" asked Vivian curiously.

Kat bit her lips as she thought of the appropriate answer. The money wasn't important, it not really. She didn't need it for anything at the moment especially with the debt paid off. A larger part of her was tempted to just call it good. However… money was always useful and it was hers after all.

*Plus, this arbitration thing could be interesting. I'm also sure that quite a few people would be upset on my behalf if I didn't fight it. I know Lily would pout about me just letting it go. Sylvie would probably say 'you deserve it for your work Kat' with big eyes. Yeah. It seems so much easier to just go along with it and fight the thing instead of seeing disappointed eyes. Still… what exactly do I say in answer…?*