Chapter 593 Messages Messages Messa-

It wasn't until the next morning that Kat read the replies she'd been sent. She did have a slight expectation of getting a response before she let herself fall asleep the day before, but there was no such luck. Sylvie had decided to join Kat in bed and was surrounded by her wing. Sylvie had joined Kat and quickly fallen asleep but Kat had stayed up staring at the ceiling for quite a while. She just wasn't tired and a full eight hours of sleep was more than she needed.

Whatever time she eventually managed to nod off, Kat hadn't received any messages the last time she checked, so to see one from everyone was a great surprise. There was a temptation to check them in order, starting with Kamiko's but Kat wanted to know if her training trip could go through first so she looked into the one from Minor.