Chapter 629 Final Checks

"CONTENT" 'Lily' said. Will be used for when Kat repeats something at Lily's request. Notice the '' around Lily's name. This is mostly just to keep things clean and save repeating things.


Lily let out a cute little yawn at the end of the flashback session and Kat realised it must have been getting kind of late. The room looked the same as it had before, and there were no windows so it was a quite hard to tell how much time had passed. Still, Kat wasn't going to keep Lily up any longer if her girlfriend was already yawning regardless of what time it was. Kat found the light 'switch' which was actually just a button and pushed it in.

With the lights 'off' there was actually still a faint glow coming from the ceiling, it was very soft and Kat could tell she was using her night vision to see properly. It was just barely enough for a normal human to see the edges of things. For Lily in Kat, it was easy on the eyes and they could see practically everything.