Chapter 633 More Questionable Thoughts, Ft Lily.

Lily chapter again


[So, if Amelia doesn't rate highly who would you have chosen after me?] Kat asked curious.

Lily's tail flinched. *Don't say it like that Kat. It makes me feel like you believe it was ever close at all. That's like… like asking someone after they finish their favourite meal what colour dirt they'd like to eat. Not only are you easily the most attractive girl I've ever met, your personality is so much better as well. I cannot properly explain how rare having both of those together is, or just how not close others could possibly.

It's part of the reason I was so scared to ask you out Kat. If you'd said no… there was no backup plan. No 'she's not as good looking as Kat but I could happily marry her' in the works. I know that some really scummy girls do have like… backups after backups but even most normal people at least have alternatives.