Chapter 755 Worth It’s Weight in Jelly

"What about Kamiko though," asked 'Lily' "As the only lesbian in the room I can say that she's more adorable than she is sexy,"

Sue shrugged. "I did say it was a minor ability. It changes little things all the time. It prevents the slow buildup of fat in places you don't want it. That's why it's hard to find fat Succubi. For Kamiko I think at least half of the reason for her 'cuteness' is because of how she acts and what she wears. That and I'd guess she wants to go for 'sexy cute'. Besides, it's not like we change all that much unless we have serious image issues.

"I know I have larger tits than I probably should because they ballooned out after I got to Rank 1 and I had demonic power properly flowing through me. Even when I say that though it took a few months and I was normally quite hungry,"

"Wait!" said 'Lily' "If you were hungry that means the fat comes from your food. If it comes from your food can't you have too much of it?"