Chapter 761 Sue’s Family Deets Part 3

Sue pouted, feigning immense disappointment at Kamiko's choice of literature, before turning her gaze on the other two. "Well? What about you both?"

"For me personally not really? I mean, I was out doing stuff and didn't care for romance," answered Kat.

[God. I don't want to answer the question but she deserves the full answer…]

"On the other hand," said 'Lily' "I… I did. Not a lot, because it's really hard to find good lesbian smut on our world. It's not… super accepted? I mean it's been getting better sure, but a lot of it isn't great. So I mostly had to settle for straight stuff from the guys perspective if I really wanted something new… but that tended to make me uncomfortable during those sex scenes. Not what I wanted to read about. So I mostly just stick to romance without all that. I can deal with male main characters, just not if they're sleeping with the female lead. Or a male lead. Or anyone at all really."