Chapter 770 Putting On Clothes

This chapter is still from Lily's perspective.


Eventually, quite some time later, Kat decided to let up a little on her girlfriend. The purring from Lily continued for a while, and she snuggled into Kat, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend the best she could. Her tail tracing circles in the air behind her as her ears flicked around, looking for any sound that might indicate why she was no longer getting scratches.

"You feeling better now?" asked Kat.

Lily's ears twitched as her thoughts started to move towards cohesion. Kat sounded strange, or perhaps, not strange but so very similar to when she was a Memphis. It was hard to appreciate just how different and improved her hearing was as a cat. It didn't sink in properly till she was back in her humanoid form, cat ears and all, and she could still hear so well. So much.