Chapter 774 Finalising Apep’s Contract

"Right…" said Kat slowly as she used her perfect memory to go over everything. She was pretty sure it made sense but despite Apep's attempts to explain everything 'properly' he was a bit all over the place. "Would you be so kid to just sum things up? While you did give a lot of… context… what I need is a rough outline of my objectives that are going to be part of our Contract,"

"Oh… umm… hmm…" mumbled Apep "I guess, the first thing would be to find out what happened to Zuhra's previous love interest, or no, I guess first thing is find out if they are a man or not. That'd be the easiest way to tell if I have a chance at all. Then afterwards… maybe try and sound out Zuhra to see how committed she is to avoiding romance? I mean, while her position is fairly typically taken by individuals who never marry it might just be because she's about the same age as Jara and I…