Chapter 900 Through Eyes of Sunlight

This chapter is from Yang's perspective. It's also a great name for a book series. Not one I'll ever right, but it does sound cool, doesn't it?


The sun as just moments away from peaking out over the horizon and her body jolted upright. Her internal clock, and her cultivation, ensured that when things were normal she would always be awake and alert to catch the first rays of sunlight. Something many people didn't know about her was that she actually liked to sleep in. Years of practice and cultivation had in some ways robbed her of that habit. 

Now she woke alert. There was no grogginess or fogged mind. She was alert and ready. She could not luxuriate on the bed, allowing the softness of the pillows and the smooth sheets to lull her back to sleep. She was already on her fight by the time that niggling little betrayal of a thought whispered in her ears.