Chapter 1047 A Running Battle

Lily pulled up her sigil and summoned a series of three sheets of paper, this time, she made them as far apart as the spell would allow, not expecting any of them to last more than a moment, but hopefully it would still slow down Swordy a bit. Lily didn't even look back. Lian however, could see the lacking effect they had. Swordy didn't even pause in her stride, simply swiping once to rip her way through the paper. Even the first time, where the paper caught on the blade and bunched up for a bit didn't slow Swordy down at all. 

That was why, when Lian saw Lily cast the spell again she spoke up, "Um… not to put down your efforts Lily, but that didn't do anything the first time, I'd suggest not wasting any more mana on them,"