Chapter 1066 Inside the Vault

Bing, just after the vault shuts.


Bing marvelled at the increase in cultivation. She was so close to Rank 3. The slightest push would send her over that edge… but now was not the time. With everything that was going on right now Bing knew that she couldn't produce a stable foundation at Rank 3 so instead Bing compacted her current foundation, forcing her current gains to settle and strengthen what she had already. 

It would still leave her at the peak of Rank 2, just a hair's breadth away from Rank 3. A good meditation session on a windy day would get her passed this hurdle in the future… but with all of the nonsense happening at the moment it really wasn't the best time. *I want my cultivation to be perfect. Any issues I introduce now will just slow me down in the future. If I knew for certain I had the time Rank 3 isn't out of the question, and my foundation is already extremely solid… but it wasn't perfect and things are tense right now.*