Chapter 1087 Backyard Backdrop Part 2

Still with Feng


When Meng finally stopped laughing her face got serious. Feng was still in her arms of course, but the air around her changed noticeably and Feng could tell even though he wasn't looking at Meng properly. "You know, if you really want, you don't have to come with us," Meng spat out like it caused her physical pain to say. 

*Well… considering how fucked up her head is she might be taking real damage saying something like that.* "Oh yeah, I'll be super safe by myself with some creepy spy organisation you still haven't named chasing after me," said Feng sarcastically, surprised that he managed to find a bit of his anger again.

"Feng, please, I raised you to be smarter then that. I'm a master of illusions and I was able to replace two sect leaders with my techniques and a bit of help. If you truly have no desire to remain with me I'm capable of creating an artifact for you to hide your appearance for anyone below Rank 5…