Chapter 1096 How to Train after Being Told Off

After breakfast the next morning, Kat was back to training. Kat spent an hour attempting to focus her transformation on just her finger with no success. With a frown, she looked over to Lily who was trying to manipulate the shadows and also having minimal success. "Lily… I'm about to do something stupid," 

Lily glanced up from where she was standing and staring at her shadow, "Kat… I don't approve but I do accept your reasons for trying this. Perhaps it will even have more practical uses one day… but know that I'm NOT happy with this. I… I'd also like you to close our mental link. Feeling you in pain is a horrendous experience,"

"I understand," said Kat. 

"I'm not sure you do, but I'm willing to accept that as an answer," returned Lily.