Chapter 1104 Science Fair Success Story

The judging was not a fast process. And it wasn't limited to just Sylvie's exhibit either. The judges were taking the time to question each of the children involved in the projects after thoroughly examining the pieces on display, then using their own expertise (and google) to come up with on the fly questions for the kids. From what Callisto and Lily relayed back, most of the kids struggled to answer the questions. The only one who didn't struggle at all was Penny, Sylvie's knew friend, but they were just asking her math questions. 

Eventually though, the group of judges made its way to Kat's station. Kat was poked and prodded more than she thought was entirely appropriate with multiple pens and one clipboard. Kat wasn't entirely pleased with that, especially not when her tail was jabbed twice. After that Kat had to ask, "Is this all really necessary? I'm not the science experiment, just the model for the wings,"