Chapter 1124 Farewell, My Loyal Friend

Kat and Lily could smell smoke as they approached the place everyone was staying so Kat picked up speed. She rushed through the streets for a bit before deciding to just fly. Kat hopped into the air and flew as fast as she could… only to quickly realise there was no problem. Or at least, nothing was on fire that shouldn't be. In the middle of the huts where Kress had been making a sandcastle, there was now a pyre with a sad Kress on one side, and Nixilei reading a book next to him. 

Kat slowed, gliding down gently and dropping next to Nixilei, "Hello Kat," said Nixilei, remarkably unconcerned. Kat's own concern only increased when she noticed the black eye and tear tracks on Kress… who seemed remarkably ok with everything despite the aforementioned problems.