Chapter 1132 Thyme for an Explanation

As all the groups left the pier, the copies of Thyme all rushed together, before splitting apart. Now, there were three Thymes, one in a butler outfit, one in pirate getup, and a final one dressed as a maid. Except, the butler one took more feminine features, large behind, noticeable breasts and a pinched waist, while the maid Thyme had massive arms and legs with bulging muscles to match March. The pirate was split down the middle, with one half looking feminine and one-half masculine. Apparently, Thyme wanted to look as crazy as possible. 

It was the pirate Thyme that spoke first. "Yarr, welcome to me island. I couldn't give yar a vacation for this round, so I did the next closest thing maties!" Kat's translation ability informed her that Thyme wasn't quite sounding that way, but they were trying to go for the realm's equivalent of a fake pirate accent so it was close enough.