Chapter 1137 No Bulli

"Right…" Kat didn't know if it was appropriate to ask anymore, or if she even wanted to know the details if Stan had them. "Is there anything else you wanted to talk about before I go off and eat?" 

"Nothing important, we can chat more later, if that's ok?" offered Stan. 

"Yeah, that's no issue with me, I'll see you later?" said Kat as she stood up and held out a hand. Stan nodded, shaking Kat's hand in turn… and Kat could feel something being added to her hand with the shake. *Just don't comment on it.* 

Kat walked away and strode up the staircase until she checked her hand. There didn't seem to be anything there, but she was certain something slimy was on her fingers. Kat let her fire explode out from her hand and instantly heard sizzling. The 'skin' on her hand started to bubble and pop but Kat felt no pain. Flexing her hand, Kat noticed watched as the 'skin' on her palm cracked and fell off revealing an unblemished hand underneath.