Chapter 1231 Burning Guilt

Kat's group dispersed quickly after that. Marigold was happy to leave, the chance to talk more with Oditr not being a rare one for the elf. March was happy to leave as well. Work hard, sleep early, was probably a doctrine the human followed. Burgandy was pouting a bit, but that was all. Burnice just… slipped away. Lily of course, fell asleep as soon as Oditr left the table and Kat had to carry her girlfriend back to their room. 

Which was where she lay now. Staring up at the ceiling. Kat couldn't sleep. Sure she could meditate… but she wasn't really feeling that either. It had been interesting hearing about how March's team got together, as well as everyone's various stories. It was an interesting look into the people of this world… but that wasn't really the problem.