Chapter 1272 A Bumpier Ride

--- Nixilei ---

As they got further and further away from the jungle the clearer the skies became… until abruptly dark clouds gathered on the horizon. It wasn't raining yet, and the pair were happy to keep going. The skies were mostly clear of monsters and the ones they did see were keeping well away from the plane. 

Eventually, Nixilei and Asteodia swapped positions again, with Asteodia taking the role of the driver for the second time. Her mana was close enough to full and Nixilei's legs were starting to get sore. Not to the point she needed to stop, but as Asteodia pointed out, if Nixilei needed to jump out and fight it was better for her to be in as close to top position as possible so as to avoid Nixilei falling out of the sky or getting taken out by whatever monster attacks they had to fend off.