Chapter 1278 Another Retelling

--- Kat ---

"Well… why don't you tell us a bit about how you got together?" asked Asteodia, "I mean, you saw how Nixilei and I started… I suppose. Honestly it's wild that we've moved so far in just a few hours now that I'm thinking about it… but that's fine, I don't really have a problem with it. So… how did you and Kat get together?" 

"Err, Nixilei already knows this story, so I'm not sure it's worth repeating?" said Lily slowly while looking at Kat for help. Kat, the traitor just grinned back and said nothing. Lily glared harder at her girlfriend. *Sorry, I'm not going to help you here. I want to listen to the story again as well. It's nice, and I don't care at all that it's being repeated. I've heard it a few times, and I lived it but I still want to hear it again.*