Chapter 1290 Brawl with Burgandy

--- Green ---

A quick question later and Green noticed a flash behind her. Whipping around, Green saw Burgandy returning to the playing field. Green leapt after her, dagger flashing out. Burgandy countered by slapping Green's arm away as they danced around the platform. It was rather difficult to fight, the platform was designed for one person and while both fae were on the smaller side, there still wasn't enough space for a proper duel. 

Green tried to shove Burgandy off the side, but Burgandy countered by catching Green's hand and keeping herself upright that way. The duel continued as Green asked, "What took you so long? Couldn't figure out the puzzle?" 

"That blasted thing was basically mocking me! I don't even know if I got timed out or if I technically 'won' because I shattered all the glass by hurling it at the floor," yelled Burgandy.